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    limited edition 結果共12筆

  • Taipei Mayor to ride revamped gondola during LNY

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to take his family on a ride on the newly renovated Maokong Gondola during the Lunar New Year holidays to visit the zoo. The gondola cabins have been redesigned in collaboration with "Animal Rescue Team Taiwan" and the popular "Maji Meow" (cat) to promote animal conservation, rescue efforts, and life education. From Feb. 3 to Feb. 14, customers who purchase three one-day passes will receive a limited edition New Year magnet set. Each one-day pass purchase also includes a single limited edition magnet. The cabins feature images of the gondola’s mascots, including the "Landlord" (a sloth), the Maji Cat, EMMA, and a calf. QR codes inside the cabins provide access to real conservation stories, promoting respect for all life and equality among creatures. Visitors to the Camphor Tree Trail during the New Year period can enjoy blooming lupines, the "Maokong Light Halo" at night, and sporadic God of Wealth blessings at various gondola stations. Limited quantities of sweets and cookies will be given away at the gondola stations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 10 to Feb. 12.
    2024/02/02 16:03
  • Taiwan launches coveted dragon zodiac coins amid frenzy

    Limited edition dragon year zodiac commemorative coins are being sold by Taiwan’s Central Bank, with 45,000 sets available at the Bank of Taiwan’s counters. Queues formed as early as 4 a.m. despite the cold weather, and each buyer can purchase only two sets per turn. Online pre-orders sold out within 3 hours, and the resale price has surged to NT$3,000 from the original price of NT$1,900.
    2024/01/22 12:15
  • Exclusive Taiwan Railways iPASS cards on sale Dec. 31

    Taiwan Railway Corp. has collaborated with iPASS Corporation to create a collection of limited-edition commemorative pass cards. These exclusive items showcase the new corporate image of Taiwan Railway Corp. The "Taiwan Railway Corp. Commemorative Deluxe iPASS Set" includes two pass cards in an orange and blue design, priced at NT$399. Another option is the "Taiwan Railway Corp. Commemorative Deluxe Shaped iPASS," which sells for NT$599 and features a semi-transparent light-permeable logo paired with a leather pendant inspired by the Taiwan Railways logo. Sales for these commemorative cards will begin on December 31 at 10 a.m., with a limit of six sets per person. The cards can be purchased through TaiwanRailwayShop’s online store and physical retail locations until stock runs out.
    2023/12/26 17:13
  • JINS, guide dog association launch bandana set for charity

    JINS and the Taiwan Guide Dog Association have collaborated to release a limited edition ’Matching Bandana Set’ for pets and owners, with proceeds going to support guide dogs. The collection draws inspiration from parent-child outfits, featuring dogs leading their owners on outdoor adventures. Celebrity Ada Pan endorses the campaign, hoping to raise awareness and funds for the guide dog program.
    2023/12/07 18:49
  • 航空級尾翼臺灣只有3輛 LC Limited 580萬起限量上市

    去年 (2020年) 10月底,Lexus聯手日籍Red Bull Air Race World Championship飛行錦標賽飛行員室屋義秀,用特技飛機空力設計作為靈感,打造具有航空級尾翼的LC Aviation特別版車型,Lexus隨後亦於北美推出完整複製LC Aviation的LC Limited Edition限量車型。現在,Lexus總代理和泰汽車宣布正式引進LC Limited Edition,提供LC 500與LC 500h兩種動力設定,分別開出580萬元與610萬元,不過2021年式車型全臺僅有3輛配額。
    2021/01/28 19:53
  • Yamaha推SR400最終特仕 43年經典大愛將確定停產  

    Yamaha SR400是少數不以科技配備為主打的車款,只可惜日本Yamaha宣告這輛熱銷43年的經典車款大愛將SR400即將停產,並推出最終版本車型及Final Edition Limited特仕車,造型承襲車系一貫經典造型,而Final Edition Limited特仕車在細節處加入不同設計點綴,限量1,000輛,預計於3月15日在日本市場開放訂購。
    2021/01/25 11:58
  • Moto2等級跑車台灣買得到! Daytona Moto2 765報價160萬元

    Triumph在2019年中旬在英國發表了Daytona Moto2 765 Limited Edition,是第一輛得到Moto2 Dorna Sports.SL官方認證市售車款,採限量生產及販售,同時亦是Triumph家族Daytona車系在2017年停產後重返中排量跑車市場之作。根據Triumph台灣表示,目前已將Daytona Moto2 765 Limited Edition引進台灣,建議售價為新台幣160萬元,預計在年底前可正式掛牌。
    2020/12/04 12:24
  • Lexus最美敞篷車 LC 500敞篷588萬起發表上市

    一如Lexus先前所預告,扮演Lexus家族旗艦敞篷跑車角色之LC 500 Convertible今日 (8/18) Lexus位於台中潭子,佔地超過千坪之全新開幕北台中旗艦展示據點發表上市。引進LC 500單一動力規格,配上僅需15秒即可完成開篷之電動軟頂機構,開出588萬元起建議售價,比起LC 500 Coupe增加28萬元。並同步提供以風馳藍專屬車色搭配風尚白內裝組合之Limited Edition限量車型,以620萬元售價吸引買家目光。
    2020/08/18 19:07
  • Honda Civic又停產! 重回台灣市場更困難

    Honda Civic Type-R Limited Edition日前以2分23.9秒奪回鈴鹿賽道最速前驅車,本該是Civic車迷值得慶祝的一刻,隨後又傳來第10代Civic四門車型要在日本停產的消息,讓廣大Civic車迷心情就像洗三溫暖一般瞬間又掉落谷底,看來台灣Honda要引進第10代Civic大概是更加無望了。
    2020/08/04 16:31
  • 預估馬力突破400匹? 外傳Civic Type-R將導入四傳技術

    Honda才剛釋出用Civic Type-R Limited Edition奪回鈴鹿賽道最速前驅車的紀錄,就傳出最速前驅車之爭將會成為絕響?據外媒報導Honda有可能打破傳統,將Civic Type-R改成四輪傳動設定。而這樣的推測其來有自,為了因應越來越嚴苛的歐洲環保法規,於是Civic Type-R勢必將走上油電混合一途。但既然要用上油電混合動力,又要讓Civic Type-R帶來更強悍的性能表現,那麼NSX所採用的SH-AWD技術似乎是兼顧油耗與動力的不錯選擇。
    2020/07/14 10:26
  • 奪回鈴鹿最速前驅封號 Civic Type-R限量版寫下2分23.9秒成績

    Megane R.S. Trophy-R曾在鈴鹿賽道創下2分25.4秒的紀錄,Honda為了奪回鈴鹿最速前驅車封號,決定以Civic Type-R Limited Edition來挑戰鈴鹿賽道最速前驅車的紀錄。近日Honda公布了為了雪恥所創下的最新紀錄,其成績為2分23.9秒,而且這項紀錄,其實是在今年二月就已經創下。
    2020/07/13 14:49
  • 最速前驅車之爭 Civic Type-R再戰鈴鹿賽道

    有競爭才會進步,Honda為了奪回被Renault Megane R.S. Trophy-R拿下的鈴鹿最速前驅車封號,預計將以Honda Civic Type-R Limited Edition來雪恥。這部於今年二月發表的限量款Civic Type-R採用輕量化設定,與基本版相比要輕了47公斤,動力方面仍將採用2.0升渦輪增壓引擎,可以帶來320hp的最大馬力,以及40.8kgm的最大峰值扭力。懸吊系統方面也進行重新調校,創造更為精準犀利的操控表現,並採用20吋輕量化輪圈搭配米其林CUP 2性能胎,展現背水一戰的決心。
    2020/06/24 06:23
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